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GO TEXAN Marketing Enhancement Grant Assistance

The GO TEXAN-Marketing Enhancement Grant Assistance (MEGA) Program is designed to provide grant funds to GO TEXAN partners to assist with the marketing and promotion of certified Texas agricultural products, including those that have been produced, processed, or otherwise had value added to the product in Texas; certified Texas non-agricultural products; Associate GO TEXAN Registrants; and the GO TEXAN Program. There are two programs under the MEGA Program:



The Product Promotion (GTP) grant program is designed to provide grant funds for Tier 2 or higher GO TEXAN product partners to market and promote their qualifying GO TEXAN products.

The Event Grant program (GTE) is designed to provide grant funds to Associate GO TEXAN partners who coordinate public festivals, farmers markets, and events across the state that will promote GO TEXAN businesses, their Texas made products, and the overall GO TEXAN Program.




Application Materials

2025 Funding materials estimated to be posted in early spring 2025.

  • Product Promotion (GTP) Grant Program - Request for Grant Application
  • Event Grant (GTE) Program - Request for Grant Application 

updated Sept 11 2024

 Contact Information


Grant Program Support 

        The Grants Office                                


GO TEXAN Program Partnership (account status and upgrades)

(877) 99-GOTEX or





Application Materials

GO TEXAN Product Promotion (GTP)

GO TEXAN Event Grant program (GTE) -TDA is currently working on developing application materials for this program. All current GO TEXAN partners will be notified via email when materials are available. 


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